Tag Archives: stormy weather arts festival

David’s Stories “Riding out the Storm”

Riding Out The Storm

“Riding out the Storm”

Tumultuous bearing on the once blue sea…it is now near black and cold creeps in as if the bottom of the ocean has risen angrily to meet it’s compatriot of disillusion, the sky. Grand winds whip the surface of water. Torment presses the ocean to act out in it’s uncompromised callouse nature upon the small beach town.

Most folks have fled town for fear of being swept away. The lights flicker like fire crackers popping off in the windows. Dark clouds push in to blanket the town in wet molasses.

I am alone now. I ride to the beach with my golden dog. The waves have pushed the sand up over the roads. I am scared for a moment until I notice a sign-it says GO. My heart beats wildly as if an opportunity is just ahead. What could this mean? My dog barks and the sun shines down on us like a spotlight. “GO!” I take a deep breath, start peddling, and ride out the storm.

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